Friday, April 9, 2010

a little something, something...

Hello internet world, it's been a while. Crystal has been working hard at her day job, sketching a lot, so many paintings on the back-burner for future pieces. Fortunately, on an unrelated note, i made chili for dinner.

Here is a little tracing paper color study for a little something, something:

Nothing beats spending an afternoon drawing some fantastic boobs, lol. We shall see if this one moves forward :) if folks like it maybe i'll paint this up.

I'm really trying to get rid of everything i own too... so if you think i would have something you would like, hit me up... i have all kinds of crap. Art, Dvds, television sets, old video game systems, books, cds, knick knacks, some vintage lunchboxes, comic books... all must go. :) <3 to you world. Reach out and really try to reach your full potential- and sit back and really realize how much you can do if you put your mind to it.

1 comment:

NePaul Wilson said...

Haha can't deny that, nothing beats drawing a nice set of ass either.

It's great to see an update, you've left me in some what of a state of drought for the last couple forever Deary!