Saturday, June 6, 2009

Today was the day!

Hello everyone,

haven't updated in a bit, too much crazy going on in life i suppose. i finally hit up the zoo and bought a few of my posters and checked out the show. there were so many more pieces than i remembered. i must say it was great to see my poster up on the advertisements for the show and such and hanging in the zoofari market for sale.

on another note:
i finally got my work down to 323 east in royal oak.
i should be appearing on the website within a few days and my work will be hanging and available for purchase through the gallery for three to six months!

I did five pieces for them this time: hanging bunny, fairytale, dark side of the rainbow, cheshire cat and moon landing.

if you're in the area check it out!

oh and a treat, newest work in progress:

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