Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mint Zombie Chip - Ice Scream Cone for sale now - Original Artwork

Original artwork - for sale on Etsy!

Mint Zombie Chip - acrylic on canvas
I'm really working on unloading some of my older works right now so many new original art pieces will be up on my Etsy account soon.  I've listed this popular piece today!  check it out 

This piece was displayed at 323 East in Royal Oak and also at the Starkweather Arts Center gallery in Romeo Michigan 

I also think I used this one at one of the Noel Nights in Detroit a few years ago as one of the center pieces of my display.  

Once I get a bit of my work unloaded and a bit of cash I'm planning on reinvesting it into some smaller items such as buttons, new business cards and trinkets, a postcard mailer, possibly a tee shirt design and who knows what else!

Framed up all nicely

So support your local artist if only to help 
increase the odds
that smaller
fun items 
will be available!

Keep your eyes peeled for new art and 
some excerpts from my sketchbook!

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